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Akiyo(ランベール甲斐 あきよ)























◎ ルドルフ・シュタイナー系は、ドールナッハのゲーテアヌム本部の近くにある、イタ・ヴェクマン・クリニックとヨハネス・クリニック病院にて音楽療法のインターン、パリ近郊のシャトゥー知的障害児施設で音楽療法士のアシスタントに従事する。


Akiyo LambertKai

ALived between Tokyo and Paris for nearly 30 years and taught music for 40 years. People who are attracted to her lyre's tones on YouTube and on stage come not only from Japan but also from Asia and North Africa. Akiyo has served as a teacher at the World Lyre Conference and has taught at Lyre Workshops in France, Germany, the United States, and other countries. Based on the lyre technique of lyre creator Holland Gärtner and the harp technique of Elena Polonska, Akiyo discovers, educates, and systemizes the her original lyre method as a performance instrument on the stage that is different from existing ones. She also studied early music in Spain and France, which he utilizes in his performances of Bach and other works. In 2005, Akiyo began teaching lyre at the Paris Atelier. In 2011, she opened an atelier in Tokyo with an NPO, and currently trains beginners to professional musicians and teachers, while considering the meaning of musical instruments as education and music therapy based on the Akiyo Lyre Method.

After singing the Tokyo Nikikai Opera Studio, she appeared on many stages as a soprano singer and appeared on TV and commercials, but in 1998, she began to develop early symptoms of collagen disease and was forced to take a break. She discovered Yuko Aoki's lyre and began playing it in France. In 2004, she became a member of the Munich Lyre Orchestra, led by Susanne Heinz, as a part-leader, and also appeared in many duo concerts with Susanne. Solos have been performed at ceremonies at the Grand Hall of the National Library of France, Palazzo Sforza in Milan, and Père Lachaise in Paris. She has concerts from 2023, performing at the Matsumoto Memorial Music Guest House "Fairy Forest Cat."

Après avoir obtenu son diplôme au Kunitachi College of Music, Akiyo a étudié le chant à l'École normale de musique de Paris. Plus tard, elle a développé une maladie du collagène et a arrêté de chanter.
Lorsque sa maladie est entrée en rémission, elle a étudié la psychologie et musicothérapie, qui l'avait toujours intéressée, à l'Université Paris Descartes 5. Actuellement, elle est enseignante et thérapeute, tout en présidant NPO et en jouant de la lyre, un instrument de thérapie, sur youtube et dans des concerts entre la France et le Japon.


French National Register of Music Therapist (FFM)

Japanese Certified Public Pychologist (CPP)

Certificate in Japanese Music Therapy (JMTA)


Registre National de Musicothérapeute Française (FFM)

Pychologue Publique Certifiée Japonaise (CPP)

Certificat de Musicothérapeute Japonaise (JMTA) 



◎ 世界にライアーの教授法や学習システムがないことに疑問を持ち、長年、精査や考察し、独自のライアー・メソッドを確立させました。この楽器がどこまで演奏楽器としてのポテンシャルがあるかを考えながら弾いていきます。詳細はこちら⇒



◎ 人前パフォーマンスで起こる不安や緊張の強い方のためのセッションは、不安や緊張の強く、苦しんでいた私自身がすり抜けた心理療法アプローチと、芸術パフォーマンスを組み合わせながら、カウンセリングを通して訓練をしていきます。詳細はこちら⇒



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